Your Organization and Our Services, The Perfect Match
We strive to keep it simple by offering efficient packages for what we see most often needed in organizations, but we also can develop new products or approaches when needed. Here is a list of our current major services, with links on the left to provide further information:
LEADER ASSESSMENTS to help you select and develop your leaders. These typically include a structured interview, personality and abilities inventories for Selection Assessments, as well as 360-degree feedback and in-depth learning objectives for Development Assessments.
PERSONALIZED COACHING to assist you in developing your high potential and key leaders. This includes leadership coaching, career coaching, wellness coaching, and performance coaching. We use our Fearless Leadership approach for troubled leaders to help them understand the obstacles blocking their optimal effectiveness and develop new strategies.
FULLVIEW FEEDBACK INVENTORY to give high potential and key leaders perspective on their primary strengths and development areas, as seen by those around them. We provide feedback with a development plan, which can be used on the front end of coaching or Great Leaders Training, as well as part of Development Assessments.
WORKSHOPS/TRAINING for when you need to impart leadership knowledge and perspective to teams and mid-level managers. This service can include our proprietary Great Leaders Training, or other topics such as Career Development, Teambuilding, and any number of topics important to your organization. We can provide these services for offsite meetings and in-house sessions.
ENGAGEMENT SURVEYS for when you need data about the level of engagement across your organization. This includes administration of the surveys and follow-up.
SUCCESSION PLANNING to ensure that you have a simple but effective succession plan aimed at identifying the best leaders for your key roles, and that you have created development plans to help them each grow into their roles.