Our Services: Personalized Coaching
We Personalize the Coaching Approach to Fit Your Needs
For your key leaders and high potential future leaders, individualized coaching is often the best way to move them to the next level of excellence. Our Leading Fearlessly™ approach delivers outstanding results.
Often, this requires a six month to full year commitment to an executive coaching engagement. We help you determine on the front end the most important objectives to achieve through coaching, and then keep you informed about progress on those objectives. Whatever coaching needs you have, we work flexibly within your budget and time constraints. We also work flexibly in all geographic locations to provide in-person and virtual coaching across the globe. These sessions can be started as a type of round table with cross-functional leaders at any level of the organization. They tend to be a great way to do collective learning about best practices, collective problem-solving, and relationship building.
For situations of multiple coaching needs and limited budgets, we offer our group-based Coaching Conclaves. This approach parallels our individual coaching engagements and uses a blend of individual time and group accountability to deliver an outstanding coaching experience.