FULLVIEW Feedback Inventory™
At the foundation of our products and services are the 12 core competencies of the FULLVIEW Feedback Inventory™, which cluster into the “Three R’s of Leadership” –building relationships, achieving results, and exhibiting resourcefulness.
Developed by RLSI in 1996, converted to a fully online system in 2003, and validated through construct validity research in 2009, this instrument assesses leaders on 48 behavioral items that illustrate the 12 core competencies. Raters are encouraged to make comments throughout, one comment for each of the 12 competencies, as well as overall comments at the end. The result is a very anecdotally rich and graphically clear report.
For high potential leaders or succession planning initiatives, we use the FULLVIEW™ to identify strengths and development areas. We also use this 360-degree feedback instrument on the front end of Personalized Coaching to help create the objectives we will work toward. These same 12 core competencies form the basis of our Great Leaders workshop series, as well as the content in our Effective Leader Handbook.